Breast Augmentation (Silicone): Before & After Photos

Procedures are performed by Board-Certified Plastic Surgeon and Aesthetic-Reconstructive Specialist Dr. Lori Cherup in Pittsburgh, PA.

Patient 1

Breast Augmentation (Silicone)
Breast Augmentation (Silicone)
Breast Augmentation (Silicone)
Breast Augmentation (Silicone)
Case #252 - Breast Augmentation (Silicone)

Style: Allergan Silicone Style 20 Size: 550cc (before was 420cc) This 28 year old woman wanted an augmented look. She is very athletic and the mother of 2. I exchanged her 420cc implants for high profile 550’s, which she felt she could “pull off”. Not my usual augmentation; but a stupendous result in a bikini.

Individual results may vary.

Click here to contact Dr. Lori Cherup and set up a consultation.

Patient 2

Breast Augmentation (Silicone)
Breast Augmentation (Silicone)
Breast Augmentation (Silicone)
Breast Augmentation (Silicone)
Case #253 - Breast Augmentation (Silicone)

Style: Sientra Silicone Shape: Teardrop Shape; Moderate Profile Size: 500cc A tall 45 year old wanted a natural profile after 4 children. I used a 500cc Sientra textured moderate profile with a periareolar mastopexy to centralize her nipple on the breast mound. A conservative natural result.

Individual results may vary.

Click here to contact Dr. Lori Cherup and set up a consultation.

Patient 3

Breast Augmentation (Silicone)
Breast Augmentation (Silicone)
Breast Augmentation (Silicone)
Breast Augmentation (Silicone)
Case #254 - Breast Augmentation (Silicone)

Style: Sientra Silicone Shape: Teardrop Shape, Moderate Profile Size: 370cc A 40 year old with no breast projection; wanted a natural sloping profile, given by a Sientra 370cc textured moderate profile anatomic-shaped implant. Look at how the NAC lifted and the lower pole filled by the shape of the implant.

Individual results may vary.

Click here to contact Dr. Lori Cherup and set up a consultation.

Patient 4

Breast Augmentation (Silicone)
Breast Augmentation (Silicone)
Breast Augmentation (Silicone)
Breast Augmentation (Silicone)
Case #255 - Breast Augmentation (Silicone)

Style: Allergan Silicone Style 15 Shape: Round Shape; Moderate Plus Profile Size: 304cc A 28 year old had nice small B cup, round breasts that wanted just more of the same. I used a moderate profile round 304cc implant. She is now a nice full C, and looks more stunning in clothes.

Individual results may vary.

Click here to contact Dr. Lori Cherup and set up a consultation.

Patient 5

Breast Augmentation (Silicone)
Breast Augmentation (Silicone)
Breast Augmentation (Silicone)
Breast Augmentation (Silicone)
Case #256 - Breast Augmentation (Silicone)

Style: Allergan Silicone Style 15 Shape: Round Shape: Moderate Pus Profile Size: Right 339cc and Left 371cc This 35 year old patient with a flat breast needed projection and symmetry. A differential augmentation was needed, and VECTRA helped us decide on volume differences. Allergan provided a 339 and 371 smooth moderate profile plus implants. This […]

Individual results may vary.

Click here to contact Dr. Lori Cherup and set up a consultation.

Patient 6

Breast Augmentation (Silicone)
Breast Augmentation (Silicone)
Breast Augmentation (Silicone)
Breast Augmentation (Silicone)
Case #257 - Breast Augmentation (Silicone)

Style: Sientra Silicone Shape: Teardrop Shape; High Profile Size: 320cc A 34 year old patient with a nicely distributed but breast lacking projection, wanted a lot of projection but not much upper chest bulging. A high- profile anatomic implant gave her a round but very natural profile.

Individual results may vary.

Click here to contact Dr. Lori Cherup and set up a consultation.

Patient 7

Breast Augmentation (Silicone)
Breast Augmentation (Silicone)
Breast Augmentation (Silicone)
Breast Augmentation (Silicone)
Case #258 - Breast Augmentation (Silicone)

Style: Allergan Silicone Style 15 Shape: Round Shape; Moderate Plus Profile Size: 397cc A 50 year old woman always wanted nice but slightly exciting breasts. A 397cc round implant gave her cleavage but not much more projection. Just what she wanted.

Individual results may vary.

Click here to contact Dr. Lori Cherup and set up a consultation.

Patient 8

Breast Augmentation (Silicone)
Breast Augmentation (Silicone)
Breast Augmentation (Silicone)
Breast Augmentation (Silicone)
Case #259 - Breast Augmentation (Silicone)

Style: Sientra Silicone Shape: Teardrop Shape; Moderate Profile Size: 310cc A conservative, thin 120lb., 38 year old wanted to look better after 2 children. She got a natural profile from a modest profile anatomic implant. I now use only Sientra textured implants if an anatomic is needed.

Individual results may vary.

Click here to contact Dr. Lori Cherup and set up a consultation.

Patient 9

Breast Augmentation (Silicone)
Breast Augmentation (Silicone)
Breast Augmentation (Silicone)
Breast Augmentation (Silicone)
Case #260 - Breast Augmentation (Silicone)

This fairly droopy 37 year old woman with almost tubular breasts, just wanted to look normal. A mastopexy was necessary, but a 330cc anatomic implant gave her a natural and full shape, with a nipple exactly placed on the breast mound.

Individual results may vary.

Click here to contact Dr. Lori Cherup and set up a consultation.

Patient 10

Breast Augmentation (Silicone)
Breast Augmentation (Silicone)
Breast Augmentation (Silicone)
Breast Augmentation (Silicone)
Case #261 - Breast Augmentation (Silicone)

Style: Allergan Silicone Style 15 Shape: Round Shape; Moderate Plus Profile Size: 371cc A clearly tubular breast shape was converted to a surprisingly natural round result. Lowering the tight inframammary fold, placing the apex at the nipple level, and opening the constricted lower pole parenchyma accomplished this transformation. It’s not the implant alone- It’s what […]

Individual results may vary.

Click here to contact Dr. Lori Cherup and set up a consultation.

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    3037 Washington Pike
    Bridgeville, PA 15017

    Phone: (412) 220-8181

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    • Tuesday: 7:30am - 5pm
    • Wednesday: 7:30am - 5pm
    • Thursday: 7:30am - 5pm
    • Friday: 7:30am - 5pm
    • Saturday: 9am - 2pm
    • Sunday: Closed

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    Radiance Plastic Surgery

    3037 Washington Pike
    Bridgeville, PA 15017
    (412) 220-8181
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    3037 Washington Pike
    Bridgeville, PA 15017
    Click for Directions
    (412) 220-8181